... to a lifetime exploration of a variety of metaphysical religions. Although something of a misnomer, “metaphysical religion” ... in the United States. Fetzer first encountered metaphysical religions on a 1934 trip to Indiana’s Camp Chesterfield, the most read more...

Fetzer as Universalist October, 2013

... universalist may emphasize the universal principles of most religions and accept other religions in an inclusive manner.") John ... in Eastern philosophy and believe many of the Eastern religions are practically in the same setting as many of our shades read more...

... be known about the ancient esoteric traditions of the world religions, in the light of which his call for a blending of science ... dealing with the inner spiritual practices of the great religions of the world. Ancient teachings about what Fetzer spoke of read more...

... congregation was a mixture of a wide variety of protestant religions. As this is written in 1969, the church is known as the ... the writer developed an extensive interest in comparative religions. In August and September of 1921, he exchanged a series of read more...

... each other for one-on-one processes outdoors. • A “Trail of Religions” (completed in 1943) that looks very much like John’s read more...

... this is very consistent with tradition in very established religions. I don’t see them as opposed at all, you’re commanded to do read more...

... some of it was about the in ter -faith , and bringing more religions together . It was speaking to the “I Am” part , which is read more...

... New York. She is extremely interested in antiquity, ancient religions, prehistoric events, psychic phenomena outer space and ... ("met Shafica Karagulla - informed on antiquity, ancient religions, prehistoric history, psychic phenomena, parapsychology", read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 7 of 9 December 11, 2017

... John was going to starting in the '30s. They had a Trail of Religions there—they still do. We have seen it recently—that is a ... with a spiritual focus together, they come from different religions, and at the Fetzer Institute you've got people with read more...

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