... wrote a memo on the Trust to both the Institute and Trust boards that stated in part, “The structure that he (John Fetzer) ... and Chairman of the Trust, and later Chairman of both Boards].” Jeremy went on to add, however, “I came over time to see read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... of, there was a lot of difficult give and take with the two boards for several years. The Memorial Trust Board at the Time of read more...

... of change, internally and externally. It can be successive boards, staff, thousands of programs. A lot of external factors read more...

... dated July 2, 1992, addressed to the Trust and Institute Boards, I recall several conversations John Fetzer had with me ... of years that can be renewed by joint agreement of both boards; e.g., the term of the Trust be extended for a seven-year read more...

Category: Trust Histories


Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... wrote a memo on the Trust to both the Institute and Trust boards that stated in part, “The structure that he (John Fetzer) ... and Chairman of the Trust, and later Chairman of both Boards].” Jeremy went on to add, however, “I came over time to see read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... wrote a memo on the Trust to both the Institute and Trust boards that stated in part, “The structure that he (John Fetzer) ... and Chairman of the Trust, and later Chairman of both Boards].” Jeremy went on to add, however, “I came over time to see read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... the March joint meeting of the Institute and Memorial Trust boards, we will devote our Tuesday afternoon session to a ... the entire endowment. Thus, for non-legal reasons the two Boards have decided to spend substantially more than the legally read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... conditions are in harmonious accord, th ey act as sounding boards which reflect the vibrations that have at one time gone out ... that were sent out. Thus the air strata become the sounding boards that pick up and r eflect these vibrations just as they read more...

... years ] Bob Boisture …I think from the very beginning, the boards of the Institute and the Trust have realized that because ... August 2017 page 3 responsibilities of board members, the boards have the added responsibility of holding the spiritual read more...

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