... Board Governance Draft Author: Bruce Fetzer Category: Trust ... Rob Lehman Memorial Trustees Bruce Fetzer November 24, 2003 Board Governance Draft, for review, comment and approval This read more...
... : 1973 Category: JEF Speeches and Articles JOHN E. FETZER FOUNDATION PREAMBLE The purpose of this is to produce a paper which I ... of research which will be supported by the John E. Fetzer Foundation, Inc. In the reorganization of the Foundation I chose to read more...
... Category: JEF Spe eches an d Art icles JOHN E. FETZER FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD MEETING, MARCH 3 -4, 1989 OPENING REMARKS BY ... of the Father for guidance. It had been my hope that the Foundation would also and tenaciously so, ask the Father for guidance. read more...
... Cate gory : JEF S peeche s and Articles MEMORANDUM TO: The Board of Trustees FROM: John E. Fetzer DATE: July 15, 1988 From ... a statement in writing that would be a guiding force in Foundation policy making. Since we are embarking on an expanded course read more...
... the original program, which motivated me to establish the Foundation. That position has not changed. That still remains our core ... as a result of many weeks of planning, following the last board meeting. After that will follow a full discussion of the read more...
... es January 9 , 1989 John E. Fetzer RESEARCH IN THE FOUNDATION LABORATORY There has long been, with me , a deep ... conviction that whatever the Foundation achieves over a period of time the final verdict will read more...
... confronted with a brand-new set of facts which may rock the foundations of scientific and theological principles as we have ... true form and instantly finds fulfillment. It will give a foundation that will be plausible enough so that the leap of faith read more...
... Watters, Woods and Yeager. Published by John E. Fetzer Foundation, Inc. of Michigan Copyright ©, 1971 John Earl Fetzer All ... and Buchholterberg Henry Wenger (A1) to Martisegg In Bern Aboard Ship Intercession At Mannheim The Sick Removed At Large read more...