Adrian DeWard Interview 5/1/2012
May 01, 2012
... — then they took us back , and then I was trained for the invasion of Okinawa. Larry That was a bad one. © 2018 The ... ; [we were] waiting for our ship to take [us] for the invasion of Okinawa. I got pneumonia and they left me behind. They read more...
Author: Adrian DeWard
Fetzer, Larry, Trust, Upjohn, Humphrey, Director, dining room, Kleinstuck, Okinawa, Lake
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Memorial, loved, kids, Hall, Richland, DeWard, John, GI Bill, Depression, Michigan State, Alzheimer, nurse, Gull Lake, Carl, meditation, invasion, State University, war, Army, GI, Italy, Light
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Oral Histories
FFF Publications
April 23, 2020
... any microbial form observed as a sign of infection, i.e. an invasion by an unwanted microbial form, is specifically linked such read more...
Author: Jan Walleckec
Trustee Memos
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