(05) Board Governance Draft November 24, 2003

... seek outside commentary regarding the number of compensated days per year, conducting board activities. It should also be ... responsibilities and services that the founder envisioned would be required to carry out the purposes of the Trust read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... be carried out—that the spiritual legacy which John envisioned for the Institute would be honored. This move, to the ... the Trustees of the Fetzer Foundation/Institute—was done in large part because at the Institute in 1989-90, read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... be carried out—that the spiritual legacy which John envisioned for the Institute would be honored. This move, to the ... the Trustees of the Fetzer Foundation/Institute—was done in large part because at the Institute in 1989-90, read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... be carried out—that the spiritual legacy which John envisioned for the Institute would be honored. This move, to the ... the Trustees of the Fetzer Foundation/Institute—was done in large part because at the Institute in 1989-90, read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... for investigation in many fields of science. Certainly no one recalls for investiga tion in many fields of science. ... Certainly no one researcher is trained in all of the required disciplines read more...

... I don ’t see that much of you. Nevertheless, I thought as one who is sort of a h angover from a former era, that I would ... of ancient mysteries. There is much material available today which seeks to establish the fact that actually the earth read more...

Impressions of Europe 1945 October 01, 1945

... – a nation, however, that looks to the United States alone for help. In G ermany the peoples of the bombed -out cities ... came to these shores to fulfill a dream... that man could one day speak the thoughts of his own choosing, or could stroll read more...

... was to make laboratory research a top priority.) That, in one parag raph, attempted to tell the story. That’s the story I ... have been talking about from the first day that this Foundation attempted to carry on business. But to read more...

Review of Past Remarks 1991 February 13, 1991

... creativity and picturization became the order of the day. Well, since I am still here, you can see that I have ... a united effort, a clear focus, a family consciousness, a oneness in motivation, l iving life and doing work with read more...

This I Believe 4/10/1967 April 10, 1967

... “logic” and “credibility” for m e to undertake such an onerous task. In the end you either do or do not believe , ... am sure, the utter contempt for status quo in the World to day is symptomatic of a new force which is influencing the mass read more...

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